One of the challenges for regional councils is the attraction and retention of skilled and professional staff. As services and infrastructure are increasingly rationalised, non-metropolitan areas often experience a deficit that can push people out of smaller communities. This also puts the onus on regional councils to provide infrastructure for their communities that is commonly developed by commercial interests in larger cities. As a result, regional council staff are often over-extended and lack the resources to fulfil all council’s obligations.
To fill this gap, GenEng Solutions is often engaged to provide project management and supervisory services for capital works infrastructure projects on behalf of Council. This may involve:
- Preparation of tender documentation
- Evaluation of tenders
- Engagement of suitable contractors
- Contract administration services
- Project management
As we always seek to build capacity for our clients, our work may also include providing advice and guidance for the development of contemporary contract management procedures.
Commonly regional Council teams are multidisciplinary and challenged by the balance between operational and capital works priorities they manage. With extensive experience in the delivery of public works and work within local government, GenEng team members commonly adopt a secondment position within the Council delivery team. While we also commonly provide more contemporary contract supervision and superintendent services for projects such as QRA funded flood recovery programs, in-house assistance with delivery reduces the overheads required to procure and manage external contract resources and gives GenEng staff a clearer understanding of Council’s internal processes. Numerous Council preapproved panels or Local Buy pre-approved supplier lists are used by many Councils to engage contract delivery resources and serve to ensure procurement is both timely and effective. GenEng is prequalified on numerous Council panels and several Local Buy pre-qualified contracts which makes working with us easier.
Example capital works projects for which we have managed and provided successful delivery include:
- Goondiwindi Pool Rehabilitation
- Design and construct Blackwater Skatepark
- Pratten & Dragon Street Cycleway, Warwick
- Emerald and Rolleston Showgrounds Electrical Metering and Network Upgrades
- Springsure Hospital Museum Heritage Conservation Repairs
- Memerambi Historic Township Development
- Emerald Kindergarten
- Grantham relocation following the 2011 flood